We had a nice low key New Years. We spent it at mom's eating delicious food and playing games. We rang in the New Year with sparkling cider and fireworks. All 4 of your grandkids were awake and they actually stayed up until almost 1am!!! Party animal is in their blood I guess! They love watching the ball drop in Times Square and getting to drink sparkling cider. A very rare and cool thing happened right around midnight....it snowed!!! Didn't make it to the ground to stick but snow was falling and it was freeeezing for PHX! Definitely a New Years we will never forget!
We have a little family secret we've been keeping since October. When we went to get our u/s we weren't planning on finding out the gender of baby #5....however when she told us that she was going to look at the legs/feet etc so if we REALLY didn't want to know to look away I honestly didn't think I would be able to tell from looking at it. I wanted to see baby's little legs and belly so I didn't look away and sure enough Bryan said, "I know what that is!" And there in all HIS glory was Lincoln Russell. Colin was VERY excited about having another brother...Cecily however is pretty distraught and says she hates him and she doesn't want another brother. I think she will warm up to him once he comes out...but I guess we will see! Owen loves baby "Winkin" and is constantly kissing my belly and saying, "I smash baby winkin!" haha They will be buds I am sure! So we decided to wait and tell family around the holidays. Candee filled a stocking for him, but unfortunately we weren't able to go to the Spears Christmas celebration because we had the chance of stomach flu hitting so I ended up texting people. I am kind of bummed to know on one hand, but on the other hand it doesn't really matter if we know or not and we will have more Lord willing so we will be able to be surprised next time! He is growing quickly and already hurts momma! I am anticipating another 9+lbs baby with a big head in true Spears boy form. My first comment when we saw his "peepee" was "Oh man, I have to push out another big head!" Bryan laughed and said he was just glad we get to continue our trend of alternating genders...next time our odds are much higher it will be a girl. He loves numbers so the nerd in him is very happy..and the symmetrical person inside of me is happy too! haha
I better get to bed. We had a long day today and got very little sleep last night thanks to an almost 3 year old with a diaper rash! haha
Love and miss you more each day!
Your Favorite Second Born,
Baby Lincoln at 25 weeks