So for his birth story: it kind of started on Thursday morning. I had tons of early labor signs and Bryan even commented that my demeanor was that of being in labor. By Thursday night I was frustrated that nothing was getting more intense and knew it would likely fizzle out though I was hopeful maybe it wouldn't. Friday morning came and I still having a lot of contractions but nothing more intense than the day before. By Friday night everything started to slow down so I knew he wasn't coming after all. Saturday and Sunday were slow days and we finally got around to finishing a large chunk of our to-do list. Monday I had a midwife appt at momdoc and we had an ultrasound to check on how he was doing in there since I was a day shy of 40 weeks. She asked if I wanted her to check me and I said sure since I hadn't been checked in a while. I was 4cm and she said my water was bulging with the contractions I was having. Her exam was kind of "rough" so she said she would be surprised if I didn't have him within the next 24 hours. I left my appt feeling like he was never going to come...but about an hour later I had (sorry TMI dad) bloody show and called Bryan to tell him I thought I might go into labor that night. He decided to leave work and meet me at home so he could finish some stuff up. The wonderful man cleaned the bathrooms and finished the dishes so that it didn't stress me out when I was in labor. Since I needed to get the IV's for antibiotics during labor I needed to call the nurse coming asap so we could get two of them in. By 4pm I was feeling like things were picking up and the cramps were now coming as contractions. I called the nurse at around 4:30 and she said she would be here in about an hour. We started the IV around 6:30 even though no one was convinced at that point that I was in deed in labor. I had to lay still for the IV because she didn't have a pole I could push around with it so I just laid on the bed and things started to slow. After an hour when it finished and she unhooked me I got up and started walking and they picked right back up. I knew I was around 7-8cm by the time the midwives got there but I could tell something was off. My contractions, though painful, weren't dilating me right from how I could feel them. I want to say at around 9pm I asked her to check me and she said I was technically fully dilated BUT when I had a contraction I was going to a 6 because his head was looking to the side. I KNEW something was off. I felt pushy earlier but knew not to push. So they had me try some different things to get him in a better position and after about an hour I was fully dilated and staying there during contractions. During that time they were able to run the second IV so I could get two in there before he was born. I hope to never have to have an IV in labor again but if i do at least I can do it at home! I got in the water to start pushing a little after 10pm and I *think* I pushed for about thirty minutes. Pushing always leaves me with a slight panic because I know full well now what to expect when those Bryan babies come out. It does not feel good! I always think to myself "maybe I can just hold them in a tad longer...." haha But they must come out so I eventually come to terms with it and realize they are only coming out one way and I gotta PUSH to make that happen! Lincoln decided to come out sideways with his hand up and I could tell without her even saying anything that he wasn't coming out normally. It felt so different and as if he was wiggling his way out instead of my body pushing him out. He eventually made his own way out and it was love at first sight! Immediately everything I had gone through didn't matter anymore and he was here and he was perfect! The day/night is a bit hazy but I think that is the jist of it. :-) I so wish you could meet him but one day...hopefully far into the will! So that pregnancy/birth is over with and I am so happy to finally have closure to that crazy rollercoaster! The kids are already asking when their next sibling is coming and at the moment that thought sends me into a panic! haha I told them to give me a few years...that did not really make them happy but they aren't the ones sitting on an ice pack. hehehe
I love and miss you! More updates will have to wait until another time because little Link needs to nurse.
Your Favorite Second Born,
Here are some pictures from his birth and first week. Mom is loving her newest grandbaby!