Stacey and Ben were able to come out in February and stayed for a week which was great except that my kids were at the end of a cold so we didn't get to see them much. That was difficult! I was torn between not wanting to get Ben sick but wanting to snuggle the heck out of him before he went home knowing that when he comes back again he won't be a snuggly little newborn. Now I know how Stacey feels every time I have a sucks! I don't like being an auntie from afar! I hope one day to have them close!
So here we are marching towards March and I can barely believe it is that far into the year! We are busy busy with school, field trips, birthdays, friends, church, etc and sometimes I feel like I am wearing too many hats! Most days I feel completely inadequate but those are the days I realize I AM inadequate and only through Jesus can I get through this crazy thing called life. I find myself missing you more and more as moments come and go and the amount of milestones that you have missed are starting to pile higher than the ones you have were here for. I look for every little bit of you that I can to still feel some closeness to you. The trip to MO was especially hard for all of us because those trips have always had you in them. All the rest stops we stopped at are ones we took us to, and it just felt like something was missing. I think we all had another cycle of grief during that trip but the joy of Ben helped to soothe our bleeding hearts. Mommy missed you, I could tell, we talked about you a lot on the drive there and had lots of conversations about Heaven and what you are experiencing. It helps to remember how sick you were while you were here and how amazing you feel where you are now. No matter how much we miss you, I don't ever want to see you suffer like that just to have you back! I read in a blog post a statement that rung so true. This gal was talking about her daughter dying of cancer and she said something along the lines of the pain of cancer doesn't leave when the person dies, that pain is transferred to the loved ones and we feel it long after they are gone. And that is the price of loving someone who has passed away. We will feel this pain for a long time daddy, but God is still here in the pain and every step we are reminded of that truth.
Miss you so much it hurts,
Your Favorite Second Born,
These are the pictures we took at your grave when Stacey came for a visit.