Today would have been your 49th birthday. Fourty-nine never got the chance to live to a ripe old have an Over the Hill party, get gray hair, retire (though i'm not sure that ever would have happened), wear mens depends, make us change your diapers, etc. When I was little you always teased us that we would have to do all those nasty "old people things" when you got old and at the time I was I would give anything to have you long enough to do those nasty things! Sure at the very end you needed LOTS of care, but that doesn't count because we weren't doing them for our old daddy, we were doing them for our young dad whose body had turned on him and was shutting it down. It just doesn't have the same feel. Now I find myself praying and begging God to let us have mommy long enough to take care of her in her old age. And if we get that opportunity I will never take that for granted because it means she lived to a ripe old age and we had her with us for many many years, grandkids, great grandkids, graduations, birthdays, holidays, and memories. It sure does make me cherish every moment we have with family and friends because we never know when that will be our last.
"yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14
I need to get to bed because Lucy is sleeping...and when she sleeps I sleep since she has her nights and days mixed up big time! One thing I have learned though after becoming horribly frustrated/angry with Cecily, is that this is such a short time and she won't be this little very long. So starting with Owen I have purposed to just enjoy the time I have with them in the middle of the night and the exhaustion I feel will soon also be just a thing of the past. Our middle of the night parties have lots of snuggles, old tv shows (ironically I hadn't seen an episode of I Love Lucy in yeeeears and it came on at 3am!), ice cream bars (hey I have to keep my sanity somehow!), and staring into each others eyes. I wouldn't trade it for anything! She is such a sweet relief to my heart and just what the "dr ordered"! The kids adore her (jury is still out on Owen's feelings) and of course Bryan is smitten with her too! We love you and wish you could meet her here on earth. Tomorrow you will "meet" her when we take her to your grave...I have a special picture I want to take of her there. Happy Birthday daddy!
Your Favorite Second Born,
Some pics of the last week...we are enjoying our little girl!
She can't get enough of her little 'Wucy'
Your toes ended up on Lucy...they are one of my favorite things about her!
Going to your house for the first time...she was clearly very excited!
The ever popular Bryan holding the baby while playing games's become a regular occurrence!
She wanted her to watch Bob the Builder with her
These are from my 26th Birthday...I forgot to post them earlier. We went to Kona (where we celebrated your last birthday here on Earth) and then to mommy's where Hannah C had made me an AMAZING cake! It was a much better birthday than last year!
Owen's gangsta sign lol
Mommy copying Cecily's pose
More silly faces
The Minecrafters
Lucy and I anxiously waiting for some cake!
They were teasing me that they were going to lick my cake
The amazing creation!!!!
One happy pregnant lady!
Happy Birthday to me!
(We didn't want to stick a candle in it)
This was a monsoon we had that night...Colin thought it was great
Owen not so much!
I love Bryan covering his head with the tiny umbrella
Something about rain just makes me happy
Water's what we do to entertain them right now since we are stuck at home until I feel better
They fill up all the recycle stuff and play with it before it gets hauled off...going green!