Saturday, May 2, 2015

Meeting Lincoln

Tonight we brought little Link to "meet" you. I had so many emotions this week knowing we were going to take him to your grave. I figured since we had already done it with Lucy it wouldn't be as hard...but it was just as difficult as last time. My heart hurts to have to bring my kids to their grandpa's grave. It just doesn't feel right. When we pulled up all the kids jumped out and said, "Let's go find grandpa!" and walked around trying to figure out which one was's just so...wrong. Every time we go there are new graves dug and already the area around you is all filled in. The tree next to you is getting bigger and bigger and is starting to provide much needed shade from the AZ sun. When they sit down and ask what part of you they are "sitting on" and whoever sits on your face usually gets a good giggle out of it. It makes me smile because I know if you were here you would share in their sense of humor. Each one of them has something about them that reminds me of you and is a very bittersweet thing! Colin's ability to make friends anywhere he goes. Cecily bites her toenails. Gross, but so you! Owen LOVES to make people laugh and is very good at it just by being him! Lucy is feisty as can be and provokes her siblings very well! Lincoln's little personality is obviously still developing so we will see what Grandpa Wayne trait he brings to our family. Here are the pictures we took. They aren't very good because the sun was down by the time we got there and he was NOT wanting to be set down. But hey, I will take what I can get! I wish you could hold this sweet boy but I like to think you somehow have already! I love you and miss you terribly!!
Your Favorite Second Born,

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