Wednesday was our ultrasound to see baby Spears and to find out the gender. We had the ultrasound tech write it down and seal it up while we had our eyes closed. It is always so amazing to me to see my baby for the first time when it actually looks like a baby! Little fingers, toes, hands, and feet all moving and wiggling around in there happy as can be! Colin said it looked like a cow, he always has an opinion on what baby looks like! Cecily was an alien and Owen was a bird. Cow seems a bit obscure to me...but hey it's Colin! After the appt was over we went home and the gal making our gender reveal cupcakes came and picked up the envelope. For a little over 24 hours only 2 people and Jesus knew if we had a boy or a girl! That was fun! Candee set a really pretty display and the cupcakes were adorable! Everyone came over and we enjoyed a nice dinner together. It came time to do the cupcakes so we all took one and bit into it at the same time. Sure enough, Dorothy got the winning cupcake that revealed we are having a GIRL! Bryan and I had come to a compromise that if it was a boy I got my name and if it was a girl he got his. So, we are welcoming Lucy Rebecca into the family! Somehow I feel like it fits, even though I had another name in mind. I know you would be so excited to have another granddaughter and we will be sure she knows all about her amazing grandpa! You don't need to worry about spoiling, grammie is taking care of that! I heard the word sewing come I think some home made monogrammed outfits and blankets may be coming her way! Colin was not super happy about the news, in fact his words were, "I wanted a boy! I am going to cry!" He said we have to have 5 boys and 1 girl....looks like his sister number is going to be higher than that! Once she comes I know he will adore her just like he did with Cecily!
Speaking of Colin, last night was rough. He woke up around 4am and came in the room in hysterics. I felt sick to my stomach wondering what in the world was causing him to be so unusually upset! Eventually I realized he was asking for you, and must have been having dreams about you. He spent the next two hours crying, calling out in his sleep (while laying next to me), and wandering the house trying to find you. It broke my heart more than words can convey! There are no words you can tell a 4 year old that will mend his little heart! He misses you so terribly and his grief is still overwhelming to him even in his sleep. All I can do is pray for him and know that Jesus will bring him comfort during his times of sadness.
Well, it's supposed to be nap time but thanks to a horrible storm (hail, thunder, lightening, etc) my kids are not settling down. So I need to do tend to them! I love you and I miss you more as the days pass!
Your Favorite Second Born,
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