Sunday, October 28, 2012

The old saying goes..

"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all!" is what I heard from you and mom a LOT growing up. Well, I have always been a rule breaker (sorry dad!) so here it goes...I hate that you are gone! I was doing alright, but yesterday was the Family Fall Festival at of your favorite yearly events. Even when you were on chemo last year and were beyond tired, sick to your stomach, and having difficulty walking you still came and socialized with everyone. The entire night I would have moments where I would catch myself looking for you and then realize you weren't there. It just seemed so...wrong! The tall red-headed guy who everyone loves was no where to be found. It just plain sucks! Mommy did her best to help Westy and Dorothy enjoy themselves...but let's face it, it's not her thing! Lots of people talking to her is totally out of her element...and I dare say always will. You left a very big hole in the family, mister! Some fun (and not so fun) moments of the night were Colin getting his face painted as Spiderman, Cecily getting lost, having my hands blister from working in the Duck Pond (yea, didn't think that one through very well!), and Colin getting a fish. Guess what he named it? FISH! He is still very much the same Colin Spears he has always been, it's why we love him so much!
  I have lots to do before I go to a bridal shower tonight, but I have one last thing to leave with. As I sat in the car this afternoon while out shopping for a-fore-mentioned bridal shower, I was having a pity party, inwardly "yelling" at God because I want to know WHY He took you, and in His sense of humor the music I had on in the background suddenly stood out. "I am not skilled to understand what God has willed, what God has planned. I only know at His right hand, stands one who is my Savior." Ok ok, so maybe I don't get why He took you home, and it doesn't make me like it any less, buuuut He did send HIS son to die on the cross so that we can see you again someday. So I guess in all reality...I shouldn't really complain!
 I love you daddy and missing you hurts worse than...having a 10lbs baby!
  Your Favorite Second Born,
The first pic is of Cecily at ballet class yesterday. It was her first class with me, and like the princess she is, she danced with her Passion tea from Starbucks! haha

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