You have now been in Heaven 6 months...but it's been more like...well the "other place" down here. While driving in the car today, I was telling Colin that he needed to stay away from Owen because he was running a fever and he immediately responded with, "Yea, because then I will get sick, and I will start throwing up and then I will die. And I can't come back until there is a new heaven and a new earth. And I will have to go in a grave that says Colin Spears." Ugh, a 4 year old should not know all of that!!! He then proceeded to ask me if he had ever died or if he has gone to heaven, etc. So much talk of death and heaven in our house...something I never would imagined at this stage in life! I miss hearing you sing your own version of Christmas songs (that aren't G rated so I won't quote on here!), trying to come up with a gift for the man who had everything, driving around looking at Christmas lights with you, going to Zoolights as a family, the cool weather which resulted in you driving with the windows rolled down and mooing at the cows as we passed, so many things I will never get to experience again with you. Makes the holiday season pretty depressing. You would be proud of mom though, she took on the tradition of getting totally random gifts! I had to laugh because even Bryan said, "wow, your mom is becoming your dad in gift giving!" They were still fun unique gifts...just not ones she would have normally picked out. I think she had some "divine help". hehe
Well I had my first midwife appt and ultrasound today. It took fooooooorever but I got to see a quick peek of the little Spears. Life is truly amazing at only 7.5 weeks the heart was beating, the arms and legs were forming, and you could see the face forming. Makes my baby sickness seem more bearable! My due date is right around your birthday so maybe this baby will share a birthday with its grandpa!
The kiddos went to Grandpa Jack's office today and got to see rockets and all sorts of fun things. We were all supposed to go, but Owen and Bryan got a little flu bug so I stayed home with them and Candee took the kids. They had a blast and Colin asked Grandpa Jack when the rocket was going to come back down. Cecily got to write on the big white board but due to not having a nap was a wee bit of a crab I hear! Sadly you can't take pictures there so I don't have any pics of them, but just imagine them standing there next to a rocket..or something. hehe
I have lots to clean up...mostly "the pile" as the kids have nick-named it. Basically imagine all their toys....thrown on the living room floor. Yea, that's "the pile". It's going to take forever to clean up so I guess I should get started. Tobin had her opening night at the circus this week and I hear she is doing awesome! We are going on Saturday to see her and Mattie in the Nutcracker then Sunday to see the circus. G and G Strunk are coming in town this weekend so we are looking forward to seeing them! We love and miss you...even the newest sprout that will never officially meet you here on earth!
Your Favorite Second Born,
Some pictures from this week. The first is obviously from my u/s today...not a great picture but I still adore him/her! The others are from the kiddos...Colin is really into making cheese art and asks me to take a picture to post. He's such a funny kid!
I love the cheese art! And that picture of Owen sleeping is too cute :)
ReplyDeletePraying you get relief from the morning sickness soon.