Monday, November 5, 2012

Life Defenders

  Saturday was the CPC Walk for Life. We have done it since Colin was a year old and it's my favorite fundraiser! This year we were blessed to raise almost $1,200 to help protect life. It is always incredible to me just thinking about the miracle of life! Truly something many, many people take for granted. Too many women think, "I will just get married, then when i'm ready, we will start having kids." But sadly it doesn't always play out like that. It's so easy to think that we will have them on OUR terms, but in reality, it is in God's hands! And even worse, the women who so desperately want a baby, never get one, yet watch all these women around them who "weren't planning to get pregnant" receive the blessing of a baby. It breaks my heart! (I should clarify, I don't mean ladies who weren't anticipating it, but were still delighted! I'm talking about ones who forever view that child as a burden) Every. Single. Time. I have found out I was pregnant, I felt so humbled that God entrusted me with the life He was forming inside me. And as soon as I saw the + test I said out loud, "thank you!" I never take my fertility for granted because I know just as easily as He opens my womb, He can close it. So all of that to say, (as you know) it's a cause that is very dear to me because I want women to realize that EACH and EVERY baby that is conceived is not an accident, and to just "dispose" of the "problem" because it's not on their terms just makes me sick! The kids walked with us and Colin complained the whole time that his legs were cramping. I told him he was doing it for all the babies that Jesus wants to be born. He didn't really think that was a great reason...but one day he'll get it!
  Ok, off that soap box! The rest of the weekend was a blur, I have kind of journeled out of order but my brain is all jumbled right now! I did our Christmas cards which was kind of sad because you always helped me with them, and now I am left to do them by myself. It's not that I can't do them, it was just fun to have my daddy help me!
  The kiddos are growing like crazy! Owen is taking a few steps here and there, he has 8 almost 10 teeth, and is saying mama, dada, gaga (grammie), tickle, boba (brother), and dog. He is quite the little character and his favorite thing to do is crawl around growling while leaving a nice drool trail down the hall. I have slipped on his drool many times! He was 22.8lbs and 28.5in. at his last appt. And wears 24 months or 2T clothing! My chunky monkey! Cecily is becoming quite the little lady right in front of my eyes! She follows me around helping, picking things up, putting trash in the bin, getting my shoes for me, getting diapers for Owen, putting clothes in the dirty pail, and all with a big smile on her face (for now). When I say "thank you Cecily!' she responds, "You're SO welcome!" And if I do anything for her she says, "Oh, thank you much!" She is just darling, feisty, but darling! Colin, oh Colin! Where to start!? He is still a ham, loves minecraft, Portal 2, The League of Incredible Vegetables, Spider-man, Ironman, the Hulk, and Batman. Superheros are his favorite thing to play and he spends most of his day in costume protecting the house from bad guys that pop up around every corner! Obviously, it goes without saying that he likes computer games...he is afterall Bryan's son! Yesterday I was watching him play and noticed he was stabbing a spider, I said, "Colin watch out! The spider is gonna kill you!" Colin replies, "No he can't mom, I'm in creative mode!"So, I got schooled in the game of Minecraft!
  Me? Well I am still an emotional wreck, miss you like crazy, and spend a good part of my day thinking, "Did my dad REALLY die?!" I wait to get a text, call, email, ANYTHING, but nothing. I re-read all your old texts to me, look at pictures, listen to your voice in home videos, and smell your old clothes. It's no where near the same as having you here, but it'll have to suffice!
  This is a crazy week, and I am hoping to make it through alive! I still have lots of stories and pics to post from MO, so I guess I'll have to make time for that too.
I love you and I miss you much!
Your Favorite Second Born,
Some pictures from the walk, as well as a picture of us celebrating Mattie's 22nd birthday, and Owen wearing his Mater onesie that says, "I've got junk in my trunk"

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