Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All about Timmy!

God has a funny sense of humor and an amazing way of working things out. As your life was drawing to a close you made the comment to mom that she would have all sorts of guys chasing her because she is young and hot {ok I added the hot part, but let's face it, she is!} to which she laughed that no guy in his right mind would want a widow with that much baggage. And of course by baggage she partly meant children and grandchildren. She never in a million years would have guessed that God would bring somebody into her life only 6 months after you passed away. Tim, or Timmy as I like to call him has been a part of our family for...I think 10 years or so. He was a good friend of yours and someone you have always trusted. In fact, mom had no idea that shortly after you got cancer you asked him to mentor Wayne jr since you knew you would not be up for the challenge at that time due to chemo and surgeries. He gladly obliged and took Wayne under his wing to help and encourage him. Even on the night you had passed away, when we saw Wayne fall to pieces as he watched his father slip away, we called Tim to come and sit with Wayne to give him someone to be with and lean on for support. Tim also lost a parent to cancer at a young age so he knew how to help Wayne during such a horrific experience. I will never forget the moment that God told me Tim would be apart of our family. We were driving home from your house and I was inwardly talking to God and pouring out my grief about how mom was alone and the kids would not have a dad to be there for them and in a quiet but familiar voice He told me that He had kept Tim for mom. I looked at Bryan who was driving and said, "Tim is going to marry my mom!" He just giggled and said, "Ok Carley". I guess he is used to my crazy statements. hehe Sure enough God had told multiple people the same thing and when Tim and mom started "talking with intentions" she had confirmation from friends and family that God had brought this about. She was very hesitant at first because she was still very early in her grief but they {very slowly} started talking more and more and became "official" right around February or so. {I'm a little fuzzy on those details! That first year is a blur} Weston told mom that he was ready for a dad sometime ago and I can't think of anyone else who is better suited for the job! Tim has helped all of us get through a very trying time and I am so thankful for him! The {grand}kids have started calling him grandpa and the very first time it happened it made us laugh because Colin was saying good-bye to him and said, "Bye grandpa...ugh! Why did grandpa Wayne have to die?! I keep calling the wrong person grandpa!" It was adorable and sad all at the same time...but Tim has fallen into place as grandpa with no trouble at all. The kids love him and he is amazing with them. The other day he was helping me get the kids loaded up {Something you always did} and he was fumbling with the carseat trying to figure it out...it made me {inwardly} giggle because I forgot that most people don't know how to operate a carseat because it's something we've always done. He figured it out and Cecily was safely strapped into her seat! He will never replace you in our hearts, and you will always have the title of "Our dad" but he filled a part of the void you left behind and has brought back that beautiful Cindy smile you fell in love with. He makes Weston laugh again, plays basketball with him, takes him hiking, exploring, to rock shops, and on adventures. Gives Dorothy encouragement with all of her amazing crafting and creativity. Helps Wayne jr come out of his shell and gives him someone to talk to that actually understands him. He is so incredibly different than you were but that's not a bad thing, he brings new things and new character qualities to our family in this new chapter in our lives. So, going back the beginning when mom said no one in her right mind would want her baggage...I guess he is crazy...but I am so glad he is! I keep waiting for the day we scare him off but so far he hasn't bolted...yet! We are a big bag of crazy and I don't know how he manages to keep up with us but so far so good! Considering he has lived as a quiet bachelor his whole adult life...it's quiet amazing he can put up with all of us! When we have a simple family dinner it's like a party to most people! We must be growing on him! Mom went to Ohio in December to meet his family and they all loved her, of course. His parents are smitten with her! His dad is adorable and even sends your grandkids birthday cards! We feel so loved by them and we haven't even met them yet! God has gone above and beyond to bless us with not only an amazing first dad, but an incredible {almost} second dad. I feel humbled and grateful for how He has provided for us!
We love and miss you...please give my baby boy a kiss from his mommy!
 Your Favorite Second Born,
Tim's first official party as mom's boy {toy} ahaha
 Organ stop pizza when we all met Chris...I guess love is in the air around here! {And in Springfield}

At your 1 year Heavenly birthday memorial
Celebrating Colin's 5th birthday

Momma's birthday celebration
 Colin was showing Tim everything he wanted from the lego magazine...he's not very subtle!
Enjoying the winter weather by the firepit
 Tim got to experience his first Hanukkah Celebration with us

 He is even drinking imaginary tea that Cecily brought him
Helping the kiddos with the shark tooth dig
 So blessed to have him in our lives...hopefully we don't scare him off!

1 comment:

  1. This is precious, Carley, and made me cry - what encouragement to others who either fear the loss of a spouse/parent - or are facing it. God is SO good and it gives us all joy to see His hand and sovereignty - and GIFTS. Many blessings and joy to you all.
