Sunday, January 5, 2014

Our First Ever!

We did a first this year...We had a Beautiful Feet of Chandler Holiday party aka Dinner at Hon Machi Grill that our "rich" benefactor paid for aka Mom! It was fun to do a little "business" party, although we only spent about 5 minutes discussing business stuff and the rest was spent watching the chef cook our food. We will make it an annual tradition now I think because it was fun to feel all official! We have nearly 100 students now and we are so blessed by how much God has grown our studio! It's crazy that what started as me teaching 6 homeschool girls in my bedroom that you so wonderfully installed a mirror and ballet bar in, to having almost 100 students and now in need of our own space. God is so good! You were so much a part of helping me get to this point I feel the need to thank you for all your encouragement when I wanted to quit, and your belief in me that I could make something out of it. Besides Jesus, you are a large part of the success we have with Beautiful Feet!
   Today didn't start out that great, however. We woke up anticipating going to church and instead spent a total of 4 hours trying to get a teething Lucy to stop screaming. She wouldn't even nurse and I had to pump and have Bryan force feed her bottles so that she would at least scream a little less. A frozen wash cloth helped a little, but my essential oils came to the rescue and some clove oil on her gums and lavender behind her ears did the trick. I really wish I had thought of it sooner because it would have spared us 4 hours of screaming, throbbing ear drums, and dull headaches. So we didn't get to go to church, I didn't get the 12 loads of laundry done that I needed to, and Bryan didn't get the shower re-caulked...but we had lots of Lucy "snuggles", yelling at each other over her so we could actually communicate, and "what the heck is wrong with her?!" moments!
   I guess I should get to that laundry or my poor family will be naked tomorrow. I love you and miss you dearly!
Your Favorite Second Born,
 You will always be our best MC! No one can top you...although Christian does a pretty great job now!

Here are pictures from our dinner. It wasn't the same without you!

 Candee so graciously agreed to be our babysitter so she watched the kiddos while we were gone. When we got back the kids showed how much they missed daddy! haha


  1. So I still haven't given you your Christmas present.... we should plan a visit or something since it seems like forever since I've seen you :)

  2. Gosh, we weren't even gone that long! I hope Bryan loves how much they miss him!! He's a fantastic Dad...

  3. You know what's awesome about your daddy? He helped you pursue your dream. Not every papa would set up a "studio" in the bedroom!
    (p.s.I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of using oils long after the problem commences! I feel so dumb when that happens lol)
