Wednesday, August 15, 2012


  I woke up this morning determined to not have another bad day. I was tired of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and like a bad mom/wife. So instead of cleaning my disaster of a house I decided to just take the kids out and have a fun afternoon. We went to the mall and Catherine met up with us there. Poor thing didn't know what she was getting into! HA! I got them lunch, played on the play area, went to Build-a-Bear and got Colin and Weston an Ironman and Captain America outfit for their bears, and Cecily picked out a Charlie Brown for her and grammie (it was buy 1 get one free haha). Then we went and walked around the Disney store. I got a kick out of Cecily because we walked in and the Princesses were on the left and Avengers on the right...she went over to the Princess side...walked into the little thing, caught site of the Avengers and said, "OOOOH WOW! Ironman!!!" And ran over to check out all the stuff! She spent the entire time looking at Ironman, Spiderman, Captain America, and The Hulk. It was really funny to me! You think she has an older brother? I didn't let Colin pick anything out because he has a birthday coming up and that resulted in a nice tantrum complete with the classic "I hate you! You are the meanest mom ever!" the leg slap, the stroller-pull-back into the store, and tears leaving a puddle across the mall floor. Yea, it was lovely but I found it slightly humerus as did *most* people who saw us leaving the Disney store with a screaming kid. haha You know that has to be a common occurrence! He finally settled down just in time for Catherine to get there and then it was time for me to do MY shopping. I got 2 pairs of dress pants and was pleasantly surprised that I had to get the 0 petite because the 2 was too big! I also got a few tops and a skirt. Colin was so complimentary when I was trying stuff on, he'd say, "Wow, you look beautiful!" The only time he didn't really approve was this one orange shirt I tried on. He said, "Umm It's not blue" So I asked him if I should get the shirt in blue and he said, "Yea, that'd be good!" haha At least he is isn't my color! On our way home I needed to grocery shop for dinner tonight and go figure despite Cecily and Owen sleeping until 11am they fell asleep in the car. So I picked up Dorothy so she could sit in the car with them while I ran in really fast. That girl is a lifesaver!!! Weston hadn't been over in a while so Colin asked if we could have him over and since i'll be going over to Pam's tonight I said sure! They are currently playing out in the sandbox and having a great time!
  Yesterday's appointment with the nautropath was quite funny to me! Never did I imagine I'd be sitting in a "doctors" office discussing at length my daughters bowel movements, sweat, and temperament! She was asking me very detailed questions about her..poo and in my head I was just cracking up because it was the most odd conversation I've ever had to have! And the fact that I knew the answers was slightly disturbing to me! haha Everything from texture, to smell, to color, to frequency, to how gassy she is, when she normally passes gas, if she burps a lot, if her burps smell. Oh was so your thing! haha But we got her on a few remedies that hopefully over the next few months will enable her to be able to eat gluten again without "issues." And she has another allergy that I have yet to figure out but it should get rid of that one too so I won't need to get her tested to find out...unless of course it doesn't go away. My appointment is tomorrow so I am really excited to get started and hopefully be able to get wet without "melting" like the witch from the wizard of oz! haha
  I was talking to Bryan yesterday about my emotional state and he said something that I realized was sooo true then later on after talking to mom I realized was something I got from you! He said that I haven't really opened up to him about how I am feeling/doing with this whole thing. I was surprised because I *thought* I had talked to him about it a lot. Upon discussion I realized I really don't talk to him about it near as often as I thought! So when I mentioned it to mom she said something along the lines of, "That is because you are like your dad. You have very lengthy discussions about things in your head and by the time you get around to talking to him about it you are already worn out "discussing" it and feel like you must have already talked about it." I had never thought about it before, but I TOTALLY do that! I have "discussions" with myself every time I get in the car...lay in the dishes...etc so I feel like I've already done all the opening up I need to do but in reality I didn't talk about it at all! So I am going to purpose to be better about that because I know Bryan needs to know what I am dealing with and he also is very wise and can help me sort through my emotions...obviously better than I can do with myself! hahaha
  Well that is my day! I am going to make tacos for dinner...then go over to Pam's house for a bit to discuss the Pinewood Derby. I am sure we will talk about you lots...not all good either! Sorry! hahaha I love you daddy!!! Missing you more each day!
Your Favorite Second Born,

  First photo is Cecily in the Princess dressing room. Second is Colin's epic tantrum! I knew you'd want a picture! Third is Cecily making Woody and Jessie talk to each other!

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