Monday, August 20, 2012

First Annual W. A. Memorial Derby

   You will have to excuse my lack of a great title for this entry. My brain is fried and I sat here for like 5 minutes trying to find something catchy and finally gave up. And now I am back and forth putting Cecily back in bed and trying to get Owen back down for a nap since his sister keeps waking him up! The last few days have been quite full and I am trying to catch my breathe! Mostly stuff around the house that is somehow getting piled up much quicker than I am able to get it done! And to make it that much harder Cecily's schedule has been SOOO wacky! One night she won't go to sleep til 3am, the next she falls asleep at 8pm, one day she will nap, the next no way! It's just all crazy and it's driving me nuts because I can't figure this girl out! ha! The boys are so much simpler...girls really are complicated! hehe
  We also had the 1st annual Wayne Anderson Pinewood Derby fundraiser on Saturday. It was a lot of fun but I had a few errands to run last week so that kept me busy! I ran the popcorn concession stand and Dorothy and Hayley did the other snacks and drinks. Pam and Sharon did an AMAZING job with decorations and adorable snacks and drinks! They went above and beyond to make it special for all of us and I felt so humbled by their hard work and willingness to put so much thought and work into it! They are awesome ladies! We had a nice little turn out and some pretty cute cars!! In order to have a few more racers Bryan entered some of his old cars for him and Colin. Colin was so excited to race and after every run he would ask, "Can I go get my trophy now?!" (which btw, he was so excited for the whole time, then I think his nerves got the best of him and he pooped in his pants TWICE thus missing the trophy ceremony haha Wilson's Creek moment I guess!) There are a lot of races before the final one so I got rather tired of him asking every single time for his trophy! haha They had a self propelled race as well which included a lot of loud explosions! Needless to say my scaredy-cat children didn't like watching that one and hung out inside with me. Colin got 3rd place, Brad R got 2nd, and Bryan got 1st. Bryan was NOT expecting to win and only entered a car so that they had more in the race. He felt bad because the little kids wanted the trophy a lot more than he did! ha! Weston got 1st for design, Lily T got 2nd, and Hayley got 3rd. I don't know who got awards for the self-propelled because I was in the bathroom due to the aforementioned event of Colin's accidents. haha  It was definitely bittersweet having a Memorial Derby for you! It's one of those, "Oh yea, my dad is DEAD" moments that hits every so often. If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought we'd be hosting such an event for you I would have said, "NO WAY!" but I have learned there is no way to know which direction life will take and no day is guaranteed.
   Since you're death I have heard of so many more people that have joined you and it stings every time I do! If I know they knew the Lord my soul rejoices that they are with their Savior but it still brings sadness because I know EXACTLY what their families are experiencing! Before you experience this kind of loss you feel bad for people but you can't really truly understand what they are going through...I can now relate 100% to the emotions and the grief they are processing. It is a very difficult road to walk and not one I wish on anyone...yet everyone will experience it at some point because that is how God designed it. We all must die, and as Bryan said, "there are just as many people born as there are who die"...seems like a dumb statement but yet it's totally true! Unless Jesus returns soon...every single one of us WILL die...and we will leave behind loved ones who will grieve our loss. Another reason I want to strive NOW to leave a Godly legacy for my kids because I don't know if I have 1 more day or 80 more years!
  Speaking of Jesus coming back...Colin asks me every day now, "When will there be a new heaven and a new earth so I can see my grandpa again?" Apparently Weston was talking to him about how when Jesus comes back there will be a new heaven and a new earth and he will see you again and now it's most of what he thinks about! He misses you so much he (even at age 4) anticipates Jesus' return! I love it! I told him that it's a surprise and he's not too excited about that! I mean, the boy can hardly wait for his own birthday and he KNOWS when that day will be! haha So I will continue to tell him that it COULD be today but we don't know, we can only live for Christ in the moments we have NOW and when the time comes, Jesus will return to take us all home! *sigh* What a wonderful day that will be!
   Colin latest thing is forming his own Avenger's team where ever he goes. The park, the mall, friend's house, parties, etc, he picks out which character each kid will be (He is ALWAYS Ironman) and then they run around getting bad guys. Today at the mall he came up to me and said, "Mom have you seen the Hulk?" It cracked me up! He is so extroverted just like his grandpa! He'd make you proud with his ability to make friends where ever he goes! Oh, and another funny story that is not so funny to a poor 4 year old boy but I got a good chuckle out of it, I had a migraine a few days ago and Bryan asked how I was feeling. I said, "Ugh my head hurts so bad, I'm dying!" And Colin's eyes pop out of his head and he exclaimed, "NO! You are dying?! Like grandpa?!" I quickly put him at ease that I used the wrong word choice and I was not in fact dying, just in a lot of pain! Poor kid was a little freaked out! I will have to be much more careful with my word choice because he doesn't know the him if someone says they are dying it means he won't get to see them again and that is a lot for a little kid to process!
  Cecily is still her crazy self! Getting up in the middle of the night doing weird thing (we hid the chocolate syrup so that's no longer an issue) and during the day she plays with princesses, Jessie and Woody, Winnie the "poop", and cars. Lately her and Colin have been into blocks and build all sorts of things for their stuffed animals. I love watching them play together! Owen wants to join them SO bad but the poor kid is still too, fluffy, to crawl! He tries ever so hard and scoots across the floor in an effort to keep up. He just giggles at his siblings and occasionally messes up their toys. Typical 3rd born! hehehe He's getting more teeth and his top teeth are SHARP! Not pleasant when he decides to chomp down on you but he sure does look cute with his toothy grin!
   I've got lots of pictures for you! Some from the derby and some from the kiddos! We love you daddy, and we miss you terribly!
  Your Favorite Second Born,
The first picture is of Owen around midnight totally awake and happy! The other is of Dorothy, Weston, and Colin going shopping with me the other day! They are great buddies to take shopping with us! Then the Derby pics! 

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