Thursday, August 2, 2012

48 years

  Where to start?! Today would have been your 48th birthday! Still so young and could have done so much more with your life...but God knew you had accomplished everything He had for you He brought you home. I could go on and on about what I think you could have done for His Kingdom...but I am not on the throne and I don't see all that He has in store. We celebrated by going to your grave and I bought monkey cupcakes (and gluten free cookies for Cecily) and we all shared funny stories of you. Mommy had the gal at the cemetery put a banana peel on the grave "from you" for Colin to find. He was quite tickled that the banana peel was there and "threw it back at you". He sat to eat his cupcake "on" your head and I told him not to pee on you because he is in underwear now. He laughed then got a very mischievous smile on his face. So just a fair may get peed on one of these days! It was such a difficult day to get through and I woke up a little upset and sorry for myself but I credit the prayers of all our wonderful friends because my spirits lifted and I was able to enjoy the rest of the day and not feel so gloomy. Pam and Frank even joined us at the cemetery which was nice to have our extended family there to celebrate your life with us. When we left I looked up and saw that the sky was a gorgeous orange and pink color! It was God's way of displaying your favorite color for your birthday! In fact, Pam, Mattie, Cecily, and Owen all wore orange for the occasion!
   In honor of your birthday we watched Prince of Egypt and Colin was full of questions! He has such a wonderful and curious little mind I love seeing it process things around him. I talked to him about the story as it happened and he was in awe with me about the power of God! During your final days you said that you wanted God to do another "parting of the Red Sea" in your life and even though we didn't see that in the way WE wanted, God still did miracles through your life and death. I would be lying to say that I wasn't praying even after you passed that God would make you the miracle everyone hopes for, and I honestly thought He would, but His plan is far greater than mine so I have to trust Him. 
  Mommy and the kids are back from CA and they had a nice time there. They went to the beach, did your favorite drive, went to CA adventure and Disneyland, and had lunch with Wesley. Colin was pretty upset that he didn't go with them, especially after seeing Stacey's pictures from Car's Land. But we decided that we would all save up and go next fall as a family. So he will get to see it soon enough! It was kind of strange for them to all walk in the door...and you didn't come too. I am so used to having you walk through those doors and greet us with your loud manly voice but instead it was only the kids and a quiet mommy. My kids were VERY happy to have their aunties and uncles back! Cecily was lavishing them with hugs and kisses and wouldn't let Dorothy out of her sight! Colin was back to irritating Weston in no time with all his "play with me" demands and Owen was content in his grammies arms! I even made him look ghetto for her!
    Your Tonka trucks got delivered...and oh my you had a LOT! Mommy is trying to figure out where to store them so I think she is going to get a storage unit. The boys are all excited to look through them and one day take them as a memory of you. Colin was really eager to break into the boxes...but don't worry, I didn't let him play with any! hehe He had more fun with the bubble wrap I think! I love seeing all your cars because it was your hobby and what you loved to collect!
    Oh we got our rugs cleaned! They look SOOOOO nice! You know you are an adult when clean carpets make you feel like it's Christmas morning! When I called to schedule the appointment Debbie immediately asked how you and mom were I had the unfortunate task of telling her that you had passed. She was heart broken and shared some encouragement with me that helped her during her grief of losing her daughter. So many people have had to walk this road we are on and it's not easy for any of us! The beautiful part is that because there are so many dealing with grief and loss we can come alongside each other and encourage, strengthen, and cry with each other knowing that He is our comforter and our peace!
  Your mommy is back in town now, so I took the kids to go see her. They love hanging out and playing at GG's and Dusty always likes the company too. We talked for a while and she opened up about losing two sons and her husband. I held back tears as I listened to her and she cried a bit as well. I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through having to bury 3 people she loved so much! I pray God's peace and grace for her daily!
   I never posted pictures from my birthday celebration with the Spears family so I will post some of those! We had a lovely dinner and Candee always makes us feel special even though there are 3 of us who celebrate together. She got the boys all Superhero cups and I had beautiful yellow flowers. I got lots of gift cards to use so she is going to take me SHOPPING! I need some non-maternity clothes and the clothes I have from pre-pregnancy are mostly from when I was in high school so I need to update my wardrobe. I can't be the only unstylish Anderson girl!
  I have so much I have wanted to write and it's escaping me! When I started this blog I would write bits and pieces as the day went on so I didn't forget anything, but I haven't had time to do that so I try to just remember it...and we all know how well that works for a sleep deprived mother of 3 small kids! I guess I will just wrap this up! I have lots of pictures for you!
  Your Favorite Second Born,

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