We had a surprise party for Tobin on Wednesday night! Thanks to her gullibility and over-all clueless-ness we were able to pull it off very well! Her good friends all came and we set up a baked potato bar. It only seemed appropriate for the carb-o-holic Tobin! Her friend Hannah made a GORGEOUS cake! I only have two pics that I stole from Mattie's FB until I get my camera back from her, so I'll post those later. It was yet another event that was tinged with sadness that you weren't there to celebrate with us...but the more time that goes by I guess I am just getting used to it. yuck!
Curly got fixed today! She is now in the cone of shame...or as I like to call it the cone of silence. Although, it probably makes things louder for her i'd imagine? I told mommy that it just seemed wrong to get her fixed because our house has always been against "fixing" such things so it's a bit hypocritical. She disagreed and said that she didn't want to have to deal with "that time of the month" for Curly so it was necessary. hehe Mommy said she isn't too happy but she was a little better when she got home from surgery and got to see her favorite little red-headed kid! We have to stay away for about a week so that she doesn't get too excited and hurt herself! My kiddos are NOT going to like being unable to visit Grammie's for a week and not getting to see "Turly" but they'll live! I don't want Curly hurting herself because my kids got her all worked up! haha Mommy is going to come over here a few times so that she can still get her grandbaby fix! It has been 5 days already since we were at your house so hopefully Weston gets a nice break from his nephew! haha He loves his nephew but Colin can be a bit overbearing!
I woke up today not feeling so great so Bryan graciously stayed home so I could rest. I don't know what the deal was...but at least I am starting to feel better. It started as what I thought was a migraine...then moved to more like a headache...then I felt almost like I had the flu towards the evening...and now I am just back to a headache. I took a TON of immunity boosters so that may have helped kick whatever it was if it was in fact something I caught. I am suspicious it was the high pollution we have had the last two days because it felt like my sinuses were being bothered. Who knows?! I am just glad to be on the mend because I didn't want to spend my weekend with a migraine or the flu! Bryan also went and brought home Jason's Deli since I wasn't able to make dinner. He's a keeper! Always takes amazing care of his family...but I know you wouldn't have given me away to anyone who wouldn't have taken care of your baby girl! Ok...you MAY have wanted to auction me off to the highest bidder a few times...but I still had you wrapped around my finger! hehehe
Onto the serious stuff...my journey of healing is still progressing. My heart is beginning to mend and even though there is still pain I am not in a place of hopelessness as I once was. Every time my heart begins to bleed I turn to my heavenly Father and He gives me that much more grace and holds me that much tighter. My biggest source of comfort is listening to worship music. I have it on all the time and just meditate on my Jesus and His Word. What brings such happiness to my heart is when I turn it on and realize Cecily is singing along with me. Tonight I had on Beautiful Things and all of the sudden she started singing it right along with me! I had no idea she even knew the words or had been paying attention the last few weeks when I listened to it...so to see her worshiping Jesus with me...there just aren't words! She climbed up onto my lap and raised her hands up and sang poorly alongside her mommy! *sigh* I know it made her Heavenly Father smile just like it made her mommy smile!
I have more to say but must get back to my mommy duties! Loving and missing you much!
Your Favorite Second Born,
Some pics from the surprise party as well as your grandkids and Curly! The first one is of Tobin in the car unsuspecting anything is amiss. She thought she was being taken to a surprise fancy restaurant.
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