Today was a full Saturday! I woke up at 10am (thanks to Bryan for letting me sleep in after being up a lot with Owen) then got ready and left to go antiquing with Candee and Melissa. We found some fun stuff and enjoyed catching up. I bought a box that has the words to the song It Is Well With My Soul on it. I have played that song so many times during your battle and I thought it a fitting box to put the keepsakes I have of yours in. I want to have something to show the kids as they grow up so they don't forget their amazing grandpa! While we were there though I kept seeing things that reminded me of you which was difficult at times. I know eventually it won't be as hard to see reminders of you but i'm not there yet and it's still painful. Later on in the evening I went and had tea with Lauren and enjoyed talking with her. She was telling me about a friend back home who only 2 days after you passed away she lost her daddy to a drunk driver. She had already lost her mother to cancer a few years back and my heart just broke for her and her family!! She still has little siblings at home too and I just can't imagine being young and orphaned. Immediately the song "Orphans of God" came to mind and I was encouraged by the words "There are no orphans of God." He never leaves us and He never forsakes us even in our darkest moments! We got on the topic of how it's difficult to trust that God knows what he is doing when stuff like this happens. How can God think it's a good thing to take both their parents while they still have kids to raise? How can God think it's the best plan to take you away from us while you have young children who desperately need a daddy?" I can't honestly say I have the answer to that. At this point I still don't know how it can be the best plan but that doesn't mean that I don't trust that he HAS a plan and that it IS for the best. I may not see the best from where I am now, but I know as time goes I will see what the plan is either in this life or the next.
Well, your extrovert has reached her burn out. I am so peopled out and I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. I can't even cry anymore when I think about you being gone because I am so worn out from the pain. I have watched your slideshow over and over and all I keep thinking is "He won't ever get to add anymore pictures to it". Totally depressing! The words "he is gone!" have been echoing in my head all day. You have only been in heaven for a week and a half and it feels like yesterday and an eternity all at the same time! Colin was asking to play with Grandpa Wayne all day so we took him over to play with Grandpa Jack so that he could get some grandpa time in. They had fun and Jack wore him out and visa versa. He will always miss his Grandpa Wayne but I am so thankful to have Grandpa Jack close for him to grow up with!
Your little Owen is on my lap and your oldest grand kids are up at 11:20pm in their beds reading books. Life is carrying on...and yet standing still all at the same time! I miss you more and more each day! Come Lord Jesus, Come!
Your Favorite Second Born,
weston reached burn out much sooner. Me too.. trying to be normal is really difficult. I can only let memories in a little at a time. First the happy ones can come in, I will let the bad ones in later, the wife only ones are the worst.