Mom and I were discussing how it's easy to nag your spouse on things that drive you crazy, but after losing that person you would do anything to be "irritated" by them! Some things mommy misses: tripping over your size 13 shoes that were scattered all over the house, hearing you pass gas when you sat at the computer, singing and dancing all over the house to very obnoxious made up songs, doing your laundry, cleaning the water spots off the mirror after you brushed your teeth, having to put the toilet seat down when she goes to the restroom, the list goes on! Basically, she misses everything about you! Weston said yesterday, "I miss daddy so much I even miss him farting!" That pretty much sums up how all of us feel! We would give anything to have you back even having to endure your gas! hehe Luckily for Jesus I don't think gas exists in Heaven!
We are finally back in our house today...9 grand later and we have an all new a/c unit and various other things that were broken, leaking, or about to break. We can't really complain though because it's an old house, we've been here for 5 years, and it was the only repair we've had to do. And when we sell it down the road it will add a lot of value to the house to have a new one. But hearing the total amount was enough to make your eyes pop out of your head! hehe We walked in and were embraced by beautiful cold air! It was lovely! I did feel bad for the tech guys though, they were here for 10+ hours on the hottest weekend so far this summer. You must really love your job to fix/install a/c units in AZ! To kill time we went to Kevin and Charlotte's and ate pizza and swam together. It was fun! Cecily has been rocking an 80's side pony tail today and it made her look a little more like her mommy...a VERY little! I have resigned myself to the fact that my children will never look like me. I just incubate them. I am ok with that though because they are pretty stinken cute! Owen seems like he may have his grandpa's personality. He loves people, loves to laugh, wants to be in the middle of the excitement, and has a love of family. I know he is only 5 months, but I felt during his pregnancy that God would give us a boy for a reason and I now know that reason was to 1) Be able to name him after you. 2) Give us joy during a very rough time. and 3) To remind us of God's faithfulness since his pregnancy was such a tough one for me. God always knows what He is doing! Even we can't see it at the time!
I was watching a movie with Candee last night and one of the characters lost her mother. It hit me like a ton of bricks...I have lost a parent! Growing up I always watched movies where someone lost a parent and it was like, "Oh yea, that's sad." and that was the end of it. Even though it was just a movie, I find myself so much more aware of all the hurting people around me. I never expected to be one of "those people" who lost a parent at a pretty young age...but here I am. I have such a strong sense of sympathy and ache for those around me when I hear of some one who lost a parent. Something I know God will use down the road since He always uses our testimony to help those around us! He has used my loss of Geoffrey to connect with other hurting mom's so I am confident this will be another way that I can minister to those around me!
Well after being gone for 4 days my house is in desperate need of my attention! Missing you much today and longing for Heaven even more!
Your Favorite Second Born,
A funny and heartwarming read. <3
ReplyDeleteI lost my mom to cancer at 13. (Then my dad 4 years ago.) There have been many times since then that it stabbed at my heart. Graduating High School. College. My wedding. My first baby. Second. Third. (ok, ok) My child's wedding. My first grandchild. All things I expected her (and him) to be here for. Daily life soon becomes 'normal', but you never know what will suddenly stab at your heart unexpectedly. Hearing a song in a store, a smell, a wind chime ... something nobody else would understand. It happens. I feel it keeps me close to them. We don't want to hurt, but we also don't want to forget... I'm still praying for your extended family.
ReplyDelete- L. McD.