It finally happened...our air conditioner broke. Yet another reminder that you aren't here...I would have called you right away to ask if you had anyone you recommended but instead we had to go on Angie's List. Helpful, but not quite the same as you! It seems so bizarre to me still that I can't just call you when I have a question. You are probably enjoying the break though. hehe Just wait til I get there...then there will be MANY MANY more! Mommy is letting us stay here tonight and tomorrow we will stay at the Spears. I feel so blessed that we don't have to do a hotel for 3 nights with little kids! God always provides! So we have spent all day at your house. I took Weston and Colin for haircuts and they are looking sharp now! Colin told me today that "He is so thirsty he hates this planet!" haha Still as dramatic as ever! Curly and him are still potty training and both even went in their designated areas at the same time! Colin congratulated her on her accomplishment. Then later on she had an accident in her kennel and he said, "Curly you aren't supposed to poop inside! You go outside!" We all found it hilarious that he was scolding her for something he does daily...having an accident! I told him to pull the plank out of his own eye before he tries to get the speck out of hers. He didn't quite get it..but it was funny none-the-less. Mattie made chicken wings as a haboob rolled in. We enjoyed eating dinner while watching the storm through the big windows. Colin of course freaked out when he saw the lightening and said he "hates the world when there is lightening" and asked the "sun to please come back". He's quite the character! Cecily is just your typical crazy girl these days. She loves the slack-line, jumping on the couch when not supposed to, letting Curly out of her kennel when grammie tells her not to, trying to get food out of the fridge by herself, and my all time favorite going outside without anyone being aware of it and giving me a heart attack! I am hoping we can train that out of her quick because it scares me! Last night when we were leaving she heard us saying goodbyes and apparently took that as a cue to leave and we couldn't find her anywhere...turned out she was already standing by the van! She is gonna be the one who gives me gray hairs like I did to you and mom! hehe
Mommy has been taking care of all the legal stuff this week. It is such a challenge and very time consuming but she is doing her best and I am beyond proud of her! I had no idea how complicated it was when someone dies so Bryan and I are now getting our affairs in order in the event that something happens to one of us. I told mom that she isn't allowed to die anytime soon, no matter how much she wants to see you again! I told her that I let you be, but I WILL pray her back from the dead because I don't care how much she is enjoying Jesus' presence or seeing you, I need here with me! She got a good chuckle...but I don't think she realizes that I am serious! hehe Speaking of mommy, when putting Curly to bed tonight she shocked me with her orders to Dorothy. She told her to put her in the kennel in her closet, tear off a doggie treat to give her, then turn the music on low. Really?! Did you ever think mom would serenade a dog to sleep?! The other night when I went to leave I found her laying next to the kennel to put Curly down because she was lonely. Oh man! I know God has a plan for taking you but mom REALLY needs you! haha Well it's bath time for the kiddos. I love you daddy and we all miss you like crazy! Dust storms, chicken wings, and dog poop just aren't the same without you here!
Your Favorite Second Born,
This one made me chuckle. I love how much your family has taken to Curly! and the last photo, with the storm rolling in, IS GORGEOUS!