Tonight I decided to reminisce about funny stories growing up. So here it goes:
One of my favorite Saturday activities with was you singing loudly with Mattie while you mowed the grass! The neighbors probably wanted to strangle us with our poorly sung made up songs but you would just listen and sometimes join in. You were an awesome daddy to your little girls!
Another thing you let your little girls do was to do your hair all up in clips and hair elastics! You were so patient and would often fall asleep...which I don't know how you did considering we were pulling your hair really hard to get the elastics in it!
One thing I should probably apologize for was giving you a heart attack when I almost drove Stacey and I off a cliff on a golf cart in California! I will never forget you running after me yelling frantically to stop and I couldn't find the brakes so Stacey saved the day! You gave me quite the lecture but now that I have kids I totally get it!
A common joke you played on us was you would ask, "shhh! Did you hear that!?" and we'd say, "no, what?" then you'd pass gas and say, "it's an Arizona barking spider!" After a little while we realized there was no such thing! But for a time we were pretty sure there was such a spider! (I even found you a t-shirt that said "Barking Spider" on it!)
Then when I was in high school and started having guy friends come over you tested them one time by coming out in your boxers...putting your hand on a counter sticking your hip out and asking, "how do I look?" they were good sports and said, "looking good mr. A!" In hindsight maybe you were just trying to embarrass me!
This one may embarrass you but it's a highlight of my teenage years! One night we were all sleeping and you came in....thinking we were asleep with a black light to look for scorpions. Much to both of our horror you were in your tidy whities and I was most definitely not asleep nor was Mattie! The black light highlighted your skivvies very nicely...too nicely! We never let you live that one down!
A funny car ride that sticks out in my mind is when you were telling me and (I think) Stacey to be careful when we were going somewhere. You wanted us to know how to scream if someone approached us so without warning you let out the loudest, girliest scream I have ever heard...even to this date!
Later on in life during our Father/Daughter dance you said, "People probably think I am sharing some really important wisdom with you right now, but what I really need to tell you is, I have gas!" It made us both laugh and was so true to your funny nature!
I have so many more but I have to get up early so I need to stop! I will leave you with a picture of Owen with his favorite giraffe! He giggles when it plays music! I love you daddy!!
Your Favorite Second Born,
I am loving reading all your thoughts and memories, Carley. I'm heartbroken that you have to go through this, prayers and hugs!