Where have my days gone?! I think about you almost every minute of every day and all the things I want to tell you but then I put the kids in bed and my pillow calls! Sorry to be so neglectful. hehe I have lots of funny stories, bittersweet memories/moments, and God lessons so hopefully I can remember them all in this post! Where to start?!
Let's start with the potty training since it's yielded the funniest/grossest stories and I know how much you enjoy those! The highlighted story is from two days ago. I went to your house to take mommy for a much needed pedicure. I had been there not even 5 minutes and Cecily told Weston that she needed to "poop on the potty" so Weston being the awesome uncle he is, took her into the bathroom. Well she had already peed in her pull up so he left to get a new one and I was unaware that she was even in the bathroom. While he was gone, she proceeded to lock herself in the bathroom. (Thank you by the way for putting all the keys to your doors on the top of your freakishly high door frames where they are impossible for the average human to get down!!) We finally got the door unlocked and much to my horror she had taken all her clothes off, pooped on the floor, and tracked it all the over the floor and her clothing! So while I cleaned her up mommy cleaned the bathroom up all the while Wayne was yelling at us for letting her use his bathroom. It was lovely and honestly really stressful at the moment thanks to Wayne but I can laugh about it now. Colin is down to only 6 pull ups left in his stash so when those run out...he is done! He is NOT happy about this because he knows that underwear doesn't catch pee so he will HAVE to make it to the bathroom EVERY time. He is insistent that big boys wear pull ups and daddy's wear underwear. If he thinks he is going to wait until he is a daddy to wear underwear he is seriously mistaken! Not to mention no woman in her right mind would make him a daddy if he was still wearing pull ups! hahaha So yes, most of my days right now consist of bodily fluids and to be honest...I am kinda over it but sadly have years...and years...and years...of it to go! So I best just get used to it now! hehe
Moving on...during our family devotions the night before last Colin saw my cross necklace that you got me. He looked at it and said, "My grandpa got this for you! He died on the cross...no that's not right! He died of cancer, JESUS died on the cross! *sigh* I just really miss my grandpa!" Yep, broke my heart! It is such a bittersweet things to have the only grand-kids that you ever got to meet here on earth. I am so thankful that they got to know you, yet it also makes it difficult BECAUSE they love you so much! My future children will know who you are and always know that their grandpa loves them even if you never met them, but they won't have the same bond with you that Colin and Cecily do. Owen is still too little obviously so he won't remember you, but Colin and Cecily will always cherish the memories they have with their grandpa Wayne!
On the note of the kiddos, their latest "achievements" and such are: Colin is continuing to do well with swimming. He can swim by himself across a pool with a kick board. Today he had a very emotional morning/afternoon/evening so he didn't do as well but he is still making me proud with how far he has come in the last 3 weeks! I start school with him on Sept. 3rd which I am excited about! I have his lessons figured out and a general game plan of how to do it with 2 other kiddos. We'll see how this goes! ha! He is looking forward to starting Cubbies again and all he can talk about is that Ella will be in his group. (Which I have to mention that Ella misses misty Wayne, I believe is what she calls you) Cecily is doing better each day with potty training, loves to sing and dance, and now does the happy/sad face that Great Grandpa Strunk taught us all. It's her favorite right now and if you look at her you are likely to get a little show! She takes such good care of Owen and is very attentive to his needs...maybe too attentive! Her little personality just cracks me up and I love getting to know her as she grows up! Owen...what can I say?! He is still fat and happy! He's such a gem and I feel so blessed to have this little guy in my life. He adores his siblings and in fact if they aren't around he cries for them. He thinks he wants food but if you try to offer anything he just grimaces and doesn't want it, so he is still just having milky milky. Crawling is still a work in progress and I doubt it'll happen anytime soon! He just can't get that head off the ground! But his two top teeth have poked through which brings his total to 4 and the two bottom teeth on either side of his middle ones seem to be trying to come through too so he may have 6 teeth before I know it! Scary!
As for me, I am just trying to get life figured out. I started seeing a nautropath to see if I can get my hands better. Currently they hurt so bad I can barely function. Simple things like folding laundry make them bleed and anything water related...forget about it! I wake up rubbing them on the sheets and realize there is blood all over from how hard I was scratching them. It's not pretty! The lady I am seeing used to suffer from dishydrosis herself and was able to cure herself with different herbs and such so I am hoping for similar results because being a mommy with this wonderful condition stinks! As always there is laundry to be done, meals to cook, stuff to organize, ballet things to administrate, a bridal shower to plan, and little hearts to tend to. That last one is my favorite!
Your anniversary is tomorrow and my heart hurts for mommy. She will be headed up to CA to pick up Tobin, and you won't be there. I know she is trying to make the best of it and have a fun trip for the kids but I know deep down this is incredibly difficult for her! Instead of having an anniversary trip, getting roses from you, a sweet love note, and other certain activities (hehehehe) she will be without her love/other-half. You always spoiled her on special occasions and even though I have tried to spoil her for you (outfit from Coldwater Creek as was your tradition and a pedicure) it's just not the same because it's not from you!
Owen is sitting on the floor hyperventilating (his latest trick) and I can tell is wanting some attention now that his buddies are asleep. Duty calls! I love you and I miss you! I have so much more to catch you up on but I guess it'll have to wait until another time!
Your Favorite Second Born,
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